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Gardening Tips
Jobs to do in the garden this week.
If your pond has frozen over, melt a small area of ice with hot water to release any build-up of gases that could harm your fish. Don't be tempted to break the ice, the shockwave created can kill pond life.
After a frost try to stay off the grass. Treading on the lawn in frosty conditions can damage the grass.
Refirm the roots of any shrubs that may have been lifted by frost.
Switch outside water taps off at the mains and leave the outside tap open, draining any water, so the pipes don't freeze.
Put out feeders for birds, not forgetting fresh water. Encouraging birds into the garden will help reduce the number of insects and slugs.
Spray fruit trees. When all the leaves have fallen, spray with a winter tree wash, these are now vegetable oil based, as the traditional tar oil washes have been banned. This cleans the branches and kills fungal spores and over-wintering insects and their eggs. Note: Only use on a calm, still day, cover nearby ponds and green leaved plants, and wear suitable protection (gloves, goggles and mask are advised).
After all the windy weather check fence posts and panels are still secure and repair as necessary. Make sure that the shed roof is still water tight.
Halifax Landscape Gardener, Frankie McCaffrey Landscapes